

Natalí Lobeto y Marigel Álvarez

Cheesemakers at Quesería Redes (Campo de Caso, Asturias)

The passion for "casín" cheese was passed down from mother to daughter. The plan to retrieve this type of Asturias cheese, originally launched by Marigel Álvarez, is now run by her daughter Natalia.

In the late 80s, Marigel Álvarez focused her efforts on an autochthonous artisan product which was all but disappearing at that time - "casín" cheese. She decided to set up a cheesemaking outlet as the first to put "casín" on the market, and a decade later she had obtained its Protected Designation of Origin. 

Her daughter Natalí Lobeto is the second generation to run the cheese business, moving in to take over when her mother decided to step down. Although she was already working in hospital waste management, Natalí left the city and returned to Caso to extend the project with a new cheesemaking facility and a rural hotel, which have given even more visibility to this curious cheese – spicy and sharp - by refining its flavour to make it more attractive to the new generations. 

Natalí Lobeto y Marigel Álvarez



Asturias Cocina Paisaje Paraíso Natural


Fagor Profesional Reale Seguros


Ayuntamiento de Langreo Coalla Ecomuseo Minero Valle de Samuño Garcia Rodriguez Hermanos Le Nouveau Chef Makro Sobrescobiu