

Yolanda León

Chef at Cocinandos* (León, Spain)

Yolanda León operates a twosome with Juanjo Pérez at Cocinandos, the Michelin-starred restaurant in León where produce is the main feature.

Although originally from León, Yolanda went to study catering in Santiago de Compostela. There she got the chance to work with Juan Mari Arzak (where she met Juanjo). She continued to learn at Koud a Koud (France), Echaurren (La Rioja) and Mateo (Oyarzun).

Finally, she and Juanjo Pérez, now her husband, took the plunge in 2003 and opened their own updated version of León market cuisine restaurant, Cocinandos (León). The gastronomic fare consists of a single sampling menu, which changes every week, and this is where seasonal produce kicks in. Their work and tenacity have earned them a clientele and a reputation, and in 2009 they won a Michelin star, followed by two Repsol "Sol" distinctions in 2018. 

For several years Yolanda has divided her time between working as a chef and teaching. Since 1998 she has taught on the Ciudad de León VET centre's cookery courses, where she instructs future chefs and pastrymakers in Castilla y León.

Yolanda León



Asturias Cocina Paisaje Paraíso Natural


Fagor Profesional Reale Seguros


Ayuntamiento de Langreo Coalla Ecomuseo Minero Valle de Samuño Garcia Rodriguez Hermanos Le Nouveau Chef Makro Sobrescobiu