

Noemí Martínez

Restaurant floor manager and sommelier at Trigo* (Valladolid, Spain)

Sommelier and floor manager Noemí Martínez and chef Víctor Martín make up a perfect twosome running Trigo.

Noemí Martínez is sommelier, owner and manager of Trigo in Valladolid, where she also heads up and manages the restaurant floor. A member of the Valladolid Sommeliers' Association, from 2007 to the present day she has been involved in a large number of courses and professional wine-tasting events such as 'Iberwine’ ‘Vinoble’, ‘Jerez de la Frontera’, ‘Douro’ and Madrid's "Salón del Champagne". 

She was also a finalist in the ‘Golden Nose’ competition (2012-2019), and took the 2018 Gastronomy Academy award for Best Sommelier in Castilla y León, and the Best Sommelier Prize in the 2019 Verema Awards. She is a member of the ‘Sherry Women’ group, and an expert on a number of European wineries.

Noemí Martínez



Asturias Cocina Paisaje Paraíso Natural


Fagor Profesional Reale Seguros


Ayuntamiento de Langreo Coalla Ecomuseo Minero Valle de Samuño Garcia Rodriguez Hermanos Le Nouveau Chef Makro Sobrescobiu