

Néstor Viesca

Chef at Los Cabornos (Campiellos, Asturias, Spain)

At Los Cabornos, Néstor and his partner Yéssica run a friendly down-to-earth business with the scenery of Asturias as a backdrop.

We could say, almost without fear of contradiction, that behind every chef in Asturias there is a fine grandmother cook. This is also the case of Néstor Viesca - although he was headed for the metallurgy sector and spent a considerable part of his life as a waiter, the cuisine in his genes eventually asked to be let out, and he perfected his trade at the Moreda Catering School and also through the teachings of his great friend Diego García (El Pintu).

Alongside his partner and associate, Yéssica Barbón, Néstor has succeeded in establishing his own project at the Redes Nature Park, the Los Cabornos restaurant (Campiellos). Yéssica and Néstor opened this eatery built over the ruins of a byre in January 2022, and there they pay tribute to the traditional tastes of Asturias. 

Néstor Viesca



Asturias Cocina Paisaje Paraíso Natural


Fagor Profesional Reale Seguros


Ayuntamiento de Langreo Coalla Ecomuseo Minero Valle de Samuño Garcia Rodriguez Hermanos Le Nouveau Chef Makro Sobrescobiu